For Christmas, we gave a camera Vtech Kidizoom Pro to each of our two little girls (yes, I am a grandfather). Unfortunately, when i connect the USB cable... nothing happens! How? A camera which is not recognized by Linux? Strange! 'lsusb' shows me that the KP is seen by the system but does not mount automatically. A bit of Google surf tells me that damned bug no longer allow our beloved OS to mount automatically fat16 partitions...
After some research about the udev rules, here is a solution that will avoid to mount the KP manually.
The connection is usb1, this is why the loading rate is very slow. And here nothing to do, our OS is innocent.
First, create and edit an udev rules file:
$ sudo touch /etc/udev/rules.d/90-kidizoom.rules
$ sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/90-kidizoom.rules
Then put a line to mounting...
KERNEL=="sd?1", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ACTION=="add", ATTRS{vendor}=="VTech ", ATTRS{model}=="Kidizoom ", SYMLINK+="kidizoom", RUN+="/path/to/mount-script %k"
...and this one to unmounting.
KERNEL=="sd?1", SUBSYSTEMS=="scsi", ACTION=="remove", ENV{ID_VENDOR}=="VTech*", RUN+="/path/to/umount-script %k"
The file can be downloaded here, Be careful to not forget to change the path of RUN and reload udev with:
$ sudo service udev restart
Installe "pmount":
$ sudo apt-get install pmount
Here is the mount script:
mk() {
pumount /dev/$1
sleep 1
pmount -t vfat /dev/kidizoom KIDIZOOM
xhost local:$2
nautilus /media/KIDIZOOM
user=`who | grep :0\) | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
export DISPLAY=:0.0
export -f mk
su $user -c "mk $1 $user"
And here, the unmount script:
umk() {
pumount /dev/$1
sleep 1
xhost local:$2
zenity --info --text "Kidizoom is unmount"
user=`who | grep :0\) | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
export -f umk
export DISPLAY=:0.0
su $user -c "umk $1 $user"
To download this files it is here and there.
Don't forget to set the execute permission (thanx to Marten@UBL):
$ chmod +x /path/to/mount-script; chmod +x /path/to/umount-script
Thank you to sevkeifert for his help
Et voilà ...
Thanks! it worked. Just an addition. I had to put the ruls file in the /etc/udev/rules.d/ (Ubuntu/Mint 'Maverick'and make the scripts executable with chmod +x
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this, mounted right up and worked perfectly.
ReplyDeleteFor Christmas, we gave a camera Vtech Kidizoom Pro to each of our two little girls (yes, I am a grandfather). Unfortunately, when i connect the ...